Welcome to the Washington Online Branch of AAUW!

The purpose of AAUW WA Online branch is create a network to connect members and friends to the goals and programs of AAUW.   We support gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.







AAUW WA Online Branch program November 21, 2024 5:30 pm 

Register here: PROGRAM RSVP

Join the WA Online Branch for an election **debrief**.  It’s our effort to understand the debates, the process, and the outcomes of the 2024 election.  There are many vital questions.   Who will be President?  What party will have a majority in Congress?   Who will be Governor? (the first election in years with no incumbent) Who will be the Lands Commissioner, Secretary of Education, Insurance Commissioner, Attorney General?  Let’s not forget the state Legislature—what kind of House and Senate will AAUW Public Policy advocates confront in 2025?

And, crucially, will we still have a climate commitment act, capital gains tax and a long-term care program?

Let’s share perspectives on the outcomes nationally and in WA State:

We’ll have all the results and look forward to sharing ideas, perspectives and conclusions with you!     Register here: PROGRAM RSVP


August 29, 2024 program

The Climate Crisis, Solutions and Justice: A Panel Discussion **RECORDING AVAILABLE** Click Here

Don’t forget the pass code:  Passcode: ^^8+*.S1

What are the most effective climate solutions that can address the GHG challenge while promoting environmental justice? What are some examples of equitable climate actions? Washington State has been at the forefront of developing policies to combat the climate crisis. How are we progressing in meeting GHG reduction targets? And how effective are these policies in advancing equity and justice?

This event featured a dynamic panel of experts who discussed various aspects of the topic and addressed questions.  As usual, the program offered a wide variety of sources for learning, advocacy, and acting on the major issues.  DOWNLOAD POWERPOINT PRESENTATION HERE


  • Sandra Ripley Distelhorst, AAUW-W Public Policy Director
  • Francisca Santana, Assistant Professor, UW, Environmental Studies
  • Megan Carmack,  Phd Student, UW, Department of Political Science
  • Martin Gibbons, Chief Policy adocate on Climate and Environment for WA League of Women Voters



 Are you interested in supporting equity for women and girls? Are you currently an AAUW  member? Join AAUW WA Online

The Washington Online Branch is an affiliate member of AAUW–our tenacious and trailblazing parent organization that has been advocating for women and girls since 1881!  In 2018 AAUW renewed that commitment with a bold strategic plan updated in 2021 to focus on STEM and diversity in celebration of 140 years of AAUW.  This plan guides not only AAUW but all its branches—like WA Online—as we put together programs, plan activities, and advocate for public policy.

Our MISSION: To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

Our VISION:  Equity for all

Our VALUES: Nonpartisan; Fact-based; Integrity; Inclusion and Intersectionality

LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: AAUW Washington State Online Branch wishes to acknowledge that our branch spans the ancestral lands and traditional waters of many indigenous peoples.  We honor their indigenous cultures, histories, identities and current realities.

2024-2025 Officers List

  • President: Kelvie Comer and Ellen Imsland
  • Secretary: Mardy Stevens
  • Finance: Florence Vining
  • Program: Melissa Johnsen
  • Public Policy: Dorothy McBride
  • Tech Trek: Judith Prince
  • Communications:  Mary Letterman

Do you want more information? Please contact us at waonlinebranch@gmail.com.


AAUW’s Five-Star National Recognition Program rewards affiliates (states, branches and other organizations) for aligning their work with the AAUW strategic plan and other initiatives that foster the organization’s mission of advancing gender equity for women and girls.

WA Online earned stars for:

1. Programming that promotes strategic plan goals of equity, economic security, leadership.

2. Advancement through financial donations for greatest needs of AAUW

3. Communications that has economic security focus and publicizes Work Smart Online

4. Public Policy and Research by direct advocacy with a U. S. Representative or State Representatives

5. Governance and Sustainability through a succession plan

  •  Strategic Areas of Focus AAUW:

    1.  Education and Training: Addressing the barriers and implicit biases that hinder advancement of women by promoting equal access at all levels of education and, through Title IX, ensuring that every level of education is free from sex discrimination.

    2. Economic Security: Ensuring livelihoods for women through real pay equity, inclusive career pathways, and adequate retirement security and quality of life.

    3. Leadership: Closing the gender gap in leadership opportunities by empowering women throughout their lives and advancing women to leadership positions especially in education and nonprofit organizations.

    4. Governance and Sustainability:  Ensuring the strength, relevance, and viability of AAUW well into the future by following best practices in governance and inclusion and enhancing financial sustainability through fundraising and expansion to new audiences and populations.

    These Strategies and Goals inspire us as we plan for branch programs, projects, and advocacy.    Let’s think about pay equity.  The Plan’s goal is to achieve pay equity by 2030. That is certainly ambitious.  But achievable by extending skills in salary negotiation to more women and their employers. That’s where Work Smart comes in.  AAUW aims to train 10 million women in negotiation by 2022.  Work Smart is a free online course open to anyone and it takes less than 2 hours to complete. The course teaches how to find the target salary you deserve, given your education, skills, and experience, and how to gain the confidence and the right words to negotiate for better salary and benefits.

    AAUW’s Equity Network can be found here.

    More About AAUW

  • AAUW’s Mission
    To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.
  • AAUW’s Vision
    Equity for all
  • AAUW’s Values
    Nonpartisan; Fact-based; Integrity; Inclusion and Intersectionality
  • Empowerment Video
  • Brochure for AAUW Online full color
  • Brochure for AAUW Online full color